Album Please Keep To The Left

Track 1 – The Serpent Twists
Track 2 – Cleveland
Track 3 – The Breakinf Of Nations
Please Keep To The Left – 2018
So here it is – finally. As ever, with SATB, the music eludes pigeon-holing. That’s not something we’re ashamed of; on the contrary, it’s an essental part of what this band is all about. In general terms, though, the album can be divided into three parts: the pop-rock / folk-tinged songs of the opening section; the darker, more introverted mood of the middle part; and finally, the somewhat anarchic, prog-rock flavour of the Himalayan landscape in the finale. We had a great time making it, and we hope you have a great time listening to it…
Ladies and Gentlemen: we offer you ‘Please Keep To The Left’.
Available as CD or download on Plattenbau, from Broken Silence ( )